Kencyclopedia Survivor

A word from Vallenie Honeythorn: "People from all over around here have been talking about the latest craze to hit Ansalon: The Kender Survivor Contest where seven bold Kender are pitted against one another on a deserted island (or any other place, also preferrably deserted if you don't count the monsters).

I, Vallenie Honeythorn, Kender Portraiturist and HairStylist Extraordinare have taken it upon my humble self to illustrate the seven lucky adventurers and later immortalize the one who is left standing with a portrait which will be displayed with pride at the Inn of the Last Home in Solace (yes, I got permission -- but I think it's probably the humans there who have already been running bets). I have just gotten done drawing the head shots of the seven canidates and are posting them all over town and other of our fellows are preparing a great festival to welcome home the winner.

Please feel free to donate to the coffers and pouches of my fellow Kender artists and minstrals. We'll be following the events of this contest very closely. Here's to the greatest Kender Survivor Contest Ever! May the best adventurer win!

Yours in Ink, V.H."
All KC Survivor Images courtesy of Vallenie Honeythorn

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It's Just the Abyss.
Kender Political Adventure
Magic Map Adventure
The Gnomish Adventure
Icewall Adventure
Island Adventure