Giant Wild Buffalo Bear

by Peregrin Lighttongue
 Climate/Terrain: Any Land
 Frequency: Very Rare (4% chance)
 Organization: Family
 Activity Cycle: Any
 Diet: Carnivore
 Intelligence: Low Intelligence (5-7)
 Treasure: nil
 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

 No. Appearing: 1-5
 Armor Class: 2
 Movement: 19
 Hit Dice: 9
 THAC0: 13
 No. of Attacks: 3
 Damage/Attack: 1d6/1d6/2d8
 Special Attack: Splat
 Special Defences: musk
 Magic Resistance: nil
 Size: Gargantuan
 Morale: Fanatic
 XP Value: 5000
General Introduction: Giant Wild Buffalo Bears are an extremely rare species, so rare that some people consider them the ultimate Kender tale. They are real, however. They look like Giant bears, with humps on their necks like a buffalo. They are extremely vicious when you mess with a meal (anything in their way), and even more so when you mess with their young.

Combat: Giant Wild Buffalo Bears have three attacks per turn. They can swipe for 1d6 with both paws and bite for 2d8. They have a special attack called "Splat", which does 3d20x2 damage. It consists of the bear jumping up and going splat on an opponent. There is a chance that the character is in a soft spot, a saving throw vs wand is rolled to determine this. If the save succeeds, they get only 1d10=2 damage. For defense (like they need it), they can release a musk that stinks like all the Abyss. Players must make a saving throw vs poison or pass out for 2d6 rounds. If the save succeeds, then player ends up vomitting for 1d4 rounds and losses a constitution point per round for 1d4+1 rounds. These points are regained one point per round after the points are lost. Thick fur and skin gives them a natural AC of 2.

Habitat/Society: Giant Wild Buffalo Bears live exactly like normal bears, except on a much larger scale. It is rather hard for them to find a tree to scratch their back on, but the Towers of High Sorcery have sufficed in the past, has did the High Clerist Tower.

Ecology: Giant WIld Buffalo Bears usually hibernate for decades at a time. This hibernation allows them to regain energy needed to move their massive bodies. One will usually be encountered in this state. They live in family groups, with the cubs leaving at 50 years old. They live for about 600 years. When they die, they immediatley decompose, leaving a big mound of dirt that can be mistaken for a small hill without vegetation. Most hills are formed this way.

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