Cheese Dragon by
Wyrbender Dragonfire
Colossal Dragon
Hit Dice: 42d12+294 (567 hp) |
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) |
Speed: 40 ft.,fly 110 ft.,(perfect) |
AC: 14 (-8 size, +4 Dex, +8 natural) |
Attacks: 2 bite +49 melee, claw +44 melee, slam +44 melee, tail +44 melee |
Damage: Bite 6d8+15, claw 4d6+7, slam 2d8+7, tail 2d6+7 |
Face/Reach: 40 ft. by 40 ft. |
Special Attacks: Fear, molding gaze, spells, swallow whole |
Special Qualities: Regeneration, scent, sunlight vulnerability |
Saves: Fort +30, Ref +27, Will +28 |
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 19, Con 25, Int 23, Wis 21, Cha 25 |
Skills: Alchemy +16, Balance +9, Bluff +37, Climb +25, Concentration +16, Craft +16, Decipher Script +20, Diplomacy +17, Handle Animal +10, Hide +34, Intimidate +27, Intuit Direction +25, Jump +35, Knowledge +36, Listen +25, Move Silently +24, Read Lips +26, Scry +26, Search +26, Sense Motive +25, Spellcraft +31, Spot +25, Use Magic Device +27, Wilderness Lore +20 |
Feats: Combat Casting,Flyby Attack,Maximize Spell,Spell Mastery |
Environment: Temperate land,plains,hills |
Organization: Solitary |
Challenge Rating: 1/10 |
Treasure: None |
Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral |
Advancement: 43-126 HD (Colossal) |
A memory from the Age of Dreams, one of the most exciting Dragon's ever known to Kender, and one of the most....dead. Beasts of magic, created from that power that created all things. And created...out of cheese.
A large, golden coloured Dragon, made entirely of cheese. They were large beasts, and very territorial. And very very active. If they laid down too long, they would start turning blue, or green. Thier golden colour was a point of pride for them, of course, the even rarer White Cheese Dragon existed. Their main prey consisted of female livestock. Cows, sheep, camels, donkeys. Anything that had a tendency to give large amounts of milk. They found milk giving creatures a delicacy. Even young humanoid mothers were in danger if their child was still milk fed. But, being made of cheese has its draw backs. The red Dragons tended to bully the Cheese Dragons for their real estate. And rather then be melted, the Cheese Dragons often swallowed their pride and moved on. They are extremely vulnerable to heat, and flames. This is why they are only found one place to this day. The Abyss! Ok, maybe not the Abyss. Its not exactly the most evil of places. But you go their when you die. Lots of nice people and everything. Well...this is where you find the Cheese Dragons to this day. They are extinct, and are only to be found and talked to if you die. They are good hosts though, as long as you leave within a day.
Rumours have it though, that rumours say that people are speaking rumours about a possible rumour about the Cheese Dragons still surviving, in a cold, unihabited island. And one or two may be underground. But this is all doubtful. One rumour that might be true, is that a species of White Cheese Dragons may live on Solinari, as everyone knows its made of white cheese too.,A large, golden coloured Dragon, made entirely of cheese. They were large beasts, and very territorial. And very very active. If they laid down too long, they would start turning blue, or green. Thier golden colour was a point of pride for them, of course, the even rarer White Cheese Dragon existed. Their main prey consisted of female livestock. Cows, sheep, camels, donkeys. Anything that had a tendency to give large amounts of milk. They found milk giving creatures a delicacy. Even young humanoid mothers were in danger if their child was still milk fed. But, being made of cheese has its draw backs. The red Dragons tended to bully the Cheese Dragons for their real estate. And rather then be melted, the Cheese Dragons often swallowed their pride and moved on. They are extremely vulnerable to heat, and flames. This is why they are only found one place to this day. The Abyss! Ok, maybe not the Abyss. Its not exactly the most evil of places. But you go their when you die. Lots of nice people and everything. Well...this is where you find the Cheese Dragons to this day. They are extinct, and are only to be found and talked to if you die. They are good hosts though, as long as you leave within a day.
If it bites you once...your gone. It will often swallow you, without chewing (cheese teeth mind you) and its saliva and stomach acids are so strong, you will have little to no chance of surviving. Its smell is quite noxious, but if your hungry, you will be attracted to it like flies to cheese dip. And Cheese Dragon flesh is sooo tasty. Even the scales it drops occasionally are the best quality cheese ever tasted.
Dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. Dragons have darkvision with a range of 60 feet and low-light vision.
Fear (Sp) Can't have torch bearing peasents angry about livestock and...mothering wife eatings now can we? Molding Gaze (Su) A beam that they can shoot once a day, that if successful (Save Vs. Death spell.) will turn the enemy, or a portion there-of, into a cheese like flesh. Movement is possible, but once a limb or body is turned, all cheese portions are controlled by the Dragon's will. A Bless, Remove Curse, Heal, or Wish spell will remove a limb from cheesy goodness, the latter fixing an entire body. Spells (Sp) Swallow Whole (Ex) Regeneration (Ex) They quickly regenerate all damage that isnt caused by heat. Heat will take normal healing. Scent (Ex) No, they cant smell other things well. They have a unique, cheesy, tasty smell all to their own, that can cover a large area.Very strong odor Sunlight Vulnerability (Ex) Well...sun...cheese. You make the connection
Lives? It doesnt. Dead. Remember? Age of Dreams. Hunted and slain to extinction. Even in death, they are merely famous to Kender, who may visit them after they die. If you see Miss Cheddy, tell her Wyr sent ya. oh, and if you see her, sorry about your passing, i'm sure your funeral was nice!
This creature has been play tested.
This is a kender type creature.
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