Dracoon by
Tiny Animal
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp) |
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) |
Speed: 25 ft.,climb 30 ft.,fly 10 ft.,(clumsy) |
AC: 22 (+2 size, +4 Dex, +6 natural) |
Attacks: 2 Double Swipe -2 melee, bite -2 melee, claw -2 melee, slam -2 melee, Pounce -2 melee, Charm -2 melee |
Damage: Double Swipe 1d3+2, bite 1d3-2, claw 1d2-2, slam 1-2, Pounce 2d6-2, Charm 0-2 |
Face/Reach: 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks: Gaze, haste, psionics |
Special Qualities: Camoflage |
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will -4 |
Abilities: Str 3, Dex 19, Con 11, Int 3, Wis 3, Cha 3 |
Environment: Temperate land |
Organization: Outcast, Mates, Wander Gang (2-5), Wander Gang (5-20), Wander Gang (20-40), Wander Gang (40-60), or Wander Gang (60+) |
Challenge Rating: 1/8 |
Treasure: Standard |
Alignment: Mostly neutral |
Advancement: 2 HD (Tiny); 3 HD (Small) |
A Ratlike creature that has 6 arms and arm flaps to glide, usually are found in packs or herds of 50 or more of the creatures, but younger ones have been known to join adventurers...
A Ratlike creature that has 6 arms and arm flaps to glide, usually are found in packs or herds of 50 or more of the creatures, but younger ones have been known to join adventurers...
Dracoons colorations vary from place to place, if they are in a desert they will have sand colored fur, etc. They basically look like a long ferret with big ears, but when you look closer they have 6 legs, the four back ones are short and stubby. The front 2 are elongated and are connected to the middle ones by skin flaps. They eat any insects they find, a pack of them has ben known to attack and kill a giant spider for lunch. There are rumors that deep in rain forests, there is a vicious man-eating variety. They are usually friendly towards humanoids, as long as they are treated with kindness in return. Usually if an adventurer goes into a forest where young dracoons are being raised, he'll usually leave with a couple of companions, as young Dracoons are always looking for adventure.
Whenever dracoons fight, which isn't often. They'll usually try and ambush creatures and pounce on them to start the fight, after that, the creature is probably open to a face full of slashes and a quick retreat. If the Dracoon is actually in danger it will probably use its psionics to charm its way out.
Animals have low-light vision.
This creature has been play tested.
This is a kender type creature.
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