Kender are fascinated by monsters and animals, magical and non-magical.
They have a curiosity that drives them to get a closer look at dangerous
and rare creatures. Most have a sort of soft spot for the bizarre or shunned
creatures, preferring to believe that the creature is not evil, just misunderstood
(that is until it nearly kills them).
It's customary for kender mothers to tell young kenderkin about the
monsters hiding under their bed and lurking in the closet, just waiting
to jump out and gobble them up. The little ones get such a thrill and
the mothers tell them that if they are very quite the monster will surely
jump out for them to see. How else did you think they would get them to
Kender creatures come in a wide variety. They are anything animal or
creature related to kender. Such as kender pets or kender half breeds
or even creatures that resemble or act like kender. So look around if your interested for a small
listing of some of the kender creatures I collected or heard about over the years.