The Ring of a Rather Annoyed Goblin
donated by Peregrin Lighttongue

It's a rather dented, beat up old ring, with a shiny green jewel jutting out of it. The gold is smudged, and some of it is flaking off. Obviously its fake gold, but I don't think the goblin noticed.

History: It was probably made the same way other rings are made, only this one was worse. Somebody got kicked out of the jewelers and ringmakers guild for this one. Anywhose, I found it in a ditch near a goblin camp. I held it up to look at it, when apparently the head goblin saw it in my hand, screamed "Let go o' dat ya little blighter!" and started chasing me. I held out the ring for some reason, and it made a flash and the goblin was knocked out. I ran for it, because obviously this ring had some power, and goblins should not be using that power, they would only use it for terrible things after all.

How it Works: It's obviously magic. When held up, it sends a blinding light that knocks out all but the bearer of this ring. I think I'll keep it here, just to be safe. (It has a 1 in 6 chance of actually working. If a 6 is rolled on a d6, then anyone around the bearer must make a fortitude save DC18 or be knocked out for 1d6 turns)

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