Celemir's Cup of Wanderlust
donated by Celemir Hillflatten

Celemir's Cup is a shiny black glass goblet with red stones that seem to draw light into themselves. It is about 6 inches tall, 4 inches wide, and is always dry - even when filled.

History: Celemir's Cup was once an ordinary (nonmagical) goblet from Istar. When he died, Celemir's soul decided he wanted to try being an inanimate object for a while, and he has remained the cup ever since.

How it Works: Celemir's Cup afflicts its owner with permanent wanderlust, and slowly turns the lucky bearer into a kender (usually taking a year or so). The transformation cannot be reversed, and the bearer cannot bring him/her self to get rid of the cup. After transformed, the new kender will replace a possesion of a random person with the Cup, and will never carry it again. Any liquid poured into the Cup is transported into the nearest well.

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