Ring of Parties
donated by Pockets

A completely round gold ring.

History: So far I have only told you about my silliar adventures. And this adventure will be no exception to my other ones. I was adventuring with my friend comus and doli, we had been walking in happy woods (please don't ask how we got there) (It was named by some trolls, how redundant it's not as happy as you would think) It was all foggy and dark near like pitch, but we all had sharp eyes. Well I should say Comus and I had sharp eyes, Doli Had the eyes sight of a cyclops with a bag over his head. Don't get me wrong Dolie wasn't blind he just wasn't verry sharp.(Well I spose I'm exagerating a tad, Once Doli couldn't find his hammer the duffus had it attached to his belt) So me and Comus were watching for danger while Doli Fumbled for his hammer. We thought he finally found it when He set off another trap, I could have just died We had a bet He wouldn't set off another trap for a week (It had been about 12 hours). Now Doli couldn't sett off a couple of arrows or a fireball trap. Nooooo Doli had to set off a alarm so before you could say "hello old bean". We had about 20 elves per man pointing arrows at us, The elves hardly said a word just follow us. We did so, (well what had you done if 20 elven rangers were pointing arrows at you) We were sitting in our new home, (the jail cell) When I layed down to sleep (that is till security dozed off) when I layed on some hard cold metal. It was a ring I slipped it on, Suddenly I started grinning like an idiot, I heard soft quiet music at first then fast and louded. My feet and my hands started moving to the beat, then I got up and started dancing to the beat (talk about being inconspicuous). Suddenly It appeared as if every one was singing merrily, so I burst into song without thinking. Imediatly I was no longer in the cell I was in the middle of a great feast, rudely I brought back to reality comus had tackled me and doli was gumming up my fingers trying to pull off the ring. I was mad I was back and the security was shifting, our chance to escape. Of course the locks were child play. We escpaed with great ease, more magic and another fine tale.

How it Works: It replicates a party that only you can see and feel.

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