Welcome wanderer to my humble collection of articles on the
strange and wonderful sites across Ansalaon. These are the places that
only a kender would bother to seek out or that few in world are even aware exist.
I have visited each place myself in my wanderings and jotted down all I know about them
just for your curiosity. As I make each article presentable I will add them here.
So please feel free to explore the wonders of Krynn.
Less Than Zero by Sean Macdonald
[submitted on 12-Jan-2004]
I have been working on an adventure/sidetrek recently for my home game and I thought it might be nice to share it with you guys and gals. So I typed it up and put it all together in a PDF file. The description is sort of vauge because I don't want to give away the details if there and DM's and players that both cruise these boards. But here it is anyway, I hope you enjoy it. If you see any improvements that can be made or typos, please feel free to let me know and I will make the changes. |
Throtyl Gap - Regional Description by Morgan Barry
[submitted on 28-Aug-2003]
Other areas associated with Throtyl, the Throt Gap, and the Dargaard mountains. |
Throtyl - Regional Description by Morgan Barry
[submitted on 28-Aug-2003]
Throtyl is a loosely aligned state comprised of bickering bands of goblins and proud barbarians. The ruling class of the city-state are a group of ogres called the Blackbrows, however closely below them are a very militaristic and organized group of hobgoblins called the Gutrazor, who have been known to work through spies to countermand the current plots of the ogres. The human barbarians are not a part of the city per se, but hold an allegiance to it in admiration of the goblinoids fierce warriors. |
The Desolation - Regional Description by Sean Macdonald
[submitted on 28-Aug-2003]
The Desolation was once a lush forested land. It was my homeland and the homeland of thousands of kender just like me. My name is Kronn Thistleknott. My father was Kronin Thistleknott, the kender hero that liberated Goodlund from the clutches of the greedy Dragonarmies during the War of the Lance. But that was a long time ago and things have changed significantly since then. I was contacted by Bertrem of the Great Library and was asked to assist him with research on the land of the Desolation. |
Qwermish - Regional Description by Sean Macdonald
[submitted on 28-Aug-2003]
Qwermish was once the borderland between Solamnia and Istar. Even then, it was used as a breadbasket, its rich soils and flatlands ideal for the working of crops. While this did not end after the Cataclysm, several plagues ravaged the area, creating a population vacuum. Even during the war of the lance, the area was well known for not having many inhabitants. While its coastal placement would seem to make the area ideal for at least one port city, the coast is well known for being plagued by the pirates and evil forces out of Sanction. The coast has a handful of small hamlets and protected coves, but all are potentially at the mercy of whatever evil group believes that they would be better off not being independent. |
Interesting Sites of Krynn by Sean Macdonald and Terry Doeztel
[submitted on 10-Jan-2003]
These are ten interesting sites of Krynn that I have wandered too. |
10 More Mystic Sites of the Gods by Various Authors
[submitted on 26-Nov-2002]
Ansalon has many mysterious and fascinating sites to visit. Many of them are divinely inspired and each have their own magical touch to them. This is a list of twenty known Mystic Sites of the Gods. |
10 Mystic Sites of the Gods by Various Authors
[submitted on 26-Nov-2002]
Ansalon has many mysterious and fascinating sites to visit. Many of them are divinely inspired and each have their own magical touch to them. This is a list of twenty known Mystic Sites of the Gods. |
The Enlightened Veil by Talinthas Shadeslayn
[submitted on 21-Nov-2002]
The Enlightened Veil is to Neutrality what Istar was to Good and Neraka is to Evil. Possibly even more so, as this is the only location on Krynn to witness god-birth. For it is on this plateau, located in the Burning Lands to the west of the Bay of Balifor, that Sirrion created his consort, Shinare. Or so legend has it. Still, to this day, no other site on Ansalon radiates as much divine power as this location, given its importance to two major deities. |
Reorx’s Rest by Kipper Snifferdoo
[submitted on 21-Sep-2002]
Five miles to the west of Mount Nevermind just below the southern slopes of Mount Thirty-Nine-Point-Seven-Six-Five is one of the strangest locations on Ansalon, the burial grounds of the gnomes. To the gnomes it is known as “Thelocationwhere-itwasoncerumoredReorxbecametired-andtookaseattorest-frombuildingtheworld”, the few humans that have ever visited the place simply call it Reorx’s Rest. |
Well of Moons by Kipper Snifferdoo
[submitted on 4-Sep-2002]
The Well of Moons is a traveler’s landmark that is usually found in stretch of woods along the southeastern border of the Wayreth Forest. Seeing as how that forest is known to move from time to time the well is one of a few well known fixed markers near the outer proximity of the magical forest. |